Review: Seize Me

Seize Me
Seize Me by Crystal Spears
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars for me. I liked it. It was funny in some parts and sad/sick in others. That Brax guy was pretty hot. The main character even had a Hawaiian best friend. Reminds me of my Bestis, even though she is Palauan. (I just rarely see Pacific Islander character in anything.) Any who, some of the errors could use another once over by the editor and there was a little too much repetition. I enjoyed the badass-ness of the Heroine and that earned it the extra .5! Overall good stuff.

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Review: The Mistress

The Mistress
The Mistress by Tiffany Reisz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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There were a few things that normally would have caused me to deduct a half star or so but the story was just so good I couldn’t do it!!! I thought the other books were brilliant but this one really just tied The Red Years all together and everything that happened just felt so right, but not predictable.

I had a situation that happened earlier in the week and I do not believe that my reading this and that incident coinciding is an accident at all. I won’t go into details but it just made me think about how in 2013 we are still so far away from being a truly open minded and accepting society. Or if nothing else a society that minds it’s own fucking business. Everyone is entitled to their opinion or feelings but no one is entitled to judge the worth or importance of another person based on ignorant beliefs. I don’t believe we will ever get to a place where that is recognized and accepted. But I digress…

I found Marie-Laure and Wesley’s characters to be the best kind of irritating. Well let’s be real. Marie-Laure was just fucking crazy and Wes was just young. Both had a very small and closed minded worldview. Anything that did not fit into there way of seeing the world and their rules for how things “should” be was wrong, or evil, etc. As they say however, how you treat others or act towards others is a clear reflection of you not them! Thankfully Wes was able to hear the truth and different perspectives and to come to a more enlightened place when it was all said and done. It was interesting how Laila was definitely more innocent than anyone else in the book and had the biggest excuse to be the most closed minded but because of her upbringing she was able to differentiate between preference, fear, real love, and the grey areas of life.

Kingsley rocked my world once again. I don’t even have the words, and I’m so happy for him where things were at the end of this one!!!

Nora was her regular self. I still absolutely one hundred and eighty five percent love the shit out of her! I don’t know if I’ve ever met a female character who is in essence so free. She embraces her sexuality, she doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of her, and she does her best (though she is far from perfect and having it all figured out) to not harm anyone. She has a big heart and can kick your ass, fix your relationship, destroy her own, and put it all back together again! I admire her honesty and her ability to not give one single fuck!!!

Soren, LORD HAVE MERCY!!!!!!! I died every time he opened his damn mouth. Whether it was his fear or all the wine it was wonderful to have him tell so much of their story. If a man like that truly existed I imagine he would be the scariest and most intriguing thing ever! His absolute devotion and love for Nora is beyond sexy!

All the other supporting characters I loved as well. I loved the humor in this one and really had to try hard not to highlight and share all of the stuff that made me crack up. While there was quite a bit going on in this one it still managed to bring the heat. The tale of the three’s first night together and even Wesley’s scene brought on some serious ovarian destruction!!!! Then there was that shocker the book ended on. I just can’t say enough good things or express fully how much I loved this one. I can’t wait for more of this crazy group!!!

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Review: Hers

Hers by Dawn Robertson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I’m not going to waste too much time on this. If you saw my status updates you know how I feel. Firstly, it ended at the 90% mark the rest of the book is previews and what not, be warned!!! It was different and good for the first part of the book. Especially the strap-on action . That is usually not something you see even when the female character is dominant.

At some point though it just started to get really pedestrian. I’ve read this story a million times already, and I was really disappointed about it. There was so much potential with a character like Seven. I don’t know what I was expecting but I guess I just thought it would have more originality. I liked Levi a lot. Daniel was just strange to have such massive swings from one direction to another. I just don’t see his pansy pampered ass stooping to that level, and to mention that he has a Mom with mental health issues and not being surprised that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree just seemed like a low blow and an inadequate way to explain why he decided to go into left field so late in the game. Seven’s supposed “fucked up”-ness and issues read like a stereotypical uninformed persons view of PTSD!!! With absolutely no clear and valid antecedent!!! I absolutely guessed that Star was a pornstar it made sense but what didn’t make sense with that kind of career and not having any real family or anything the “blackmail” that Blue laid on her seemed absolutely ridiculous!!! If he told anyone she had a baby who would give a shit?!? Also, he was a grown ass man fucking a teenager… I’m pretty sure if he said anything his ass would have been in jail! It just didn’t make sense at all! I think this story had a really good beginning and premise and could have been a lot more than it was! I wouldn’t recommend it for the top of your reading list but I think a lot of people will like it and won’t be as persnickety as I am in regards to some of the details.

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Review: Sing

Sing by C.D. Reiss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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I was entirely too enthralled to stop long enough to write a review for this series, so I’ll just do an all in one. At the end of the day, bottom line, if you haven’t read this yet… DO NOT put it off any longer!!! You can thank me later…

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First books high points for me were the banter. I was in love with these two just as soon as they started interacting with each other. It was glorious. Also, there date/non-date was the best thing ever. I thought it was different and original and lovely!!!

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Book 2 was definitely a tease. I kept thinking that Monica was going to make a bad decision or do the wrong thing and I was so surprised by what she actually did. Jessica was full and center on my shit list as well as that douchetard Kevin! As always Jonathan and Monica were wonderful!!!

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This had some sad points but also some really lovely ones as well. It was awesome to see Jonathan change and Monica’s struggle was a tough one. Not just with the events but her struggle within herself and trying to accept what and who she is and what that meant to her. I loved that she could be swayed and distracted with sex and not in a cheesy or over done kind of way. It made the amount of passion between these two obvious and beautiful.

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Jonathan’s POV is live and direct in this one!!! And I absolutely loved it!!! I loved their real date they went on. I loved the banter as always and the drama. The kitchen scene was bananas!!! The sex in general was steamy and creative and HOT!!! Jonathan was poetic at every other turn and I loved how he encouraged her to communicate with him. Even though he surely could do more communicating with his secretive self. I really think book 4 was where it started to climb into EPIC FUCKING SERIES territory!

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Again, perfect freaking title. Burn had me heated! I am not talking about the sex. I wanted to crack Jessica, Darren, and Kevin’s skulls to the white meat. They were not making me happy at all. Most of the book our beloved couple spend separated and it was a lovely thing to see the confidence in which one of them had that the other would definitely be back. The “hotel room door” scene was some hot stuff. When they were getting it on it was also extremely HOT, so again the name of the book is fitting.

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Hands DOWN the best book of the entire series. If for nothing else Chapter one alone!!! I was on the edge of my seat excited, I need a minute, oh goodness kind of amped after that chapter. The rest of the book did not disappoint at all. There were so many twists and turns and that ending I was just like WHOA!

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Last but definitely not least, Sing! This was so freaking heart wrenching. I’m talking most of the book!!! Was it worth it in the end, of course! I definitely teared up several times. Especially when Jonathan would get poetic or Monica would let her emotions show. I can’t believe it’s over… C.D. Reiss did say she is thinking of doing a coda, but no time frame on when and if she will. I will wait forever because I love these two entirely too much to let them go!

In short… this series was just plain and simply…

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Review: Stolen

Stolen by Jordan Silver
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Introducing The Smuttiest of The Smut

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So I know you are looking at that star rating and if you’re reading this review after having read the book, you’re going really Kris??? Really??? Well YES really!!! Why? Because I try to rate books based on what it is they claim to be. Is this the finest quality literature I have ever read, absolutely not. What it is however, is the most raunchiest, smuttastic, novella I have read in a very long time. It’s dark and dirty, has a very prominent alpha. There is the use of “daddy” and gratuitous talk of fluids and filling holes, length and girth, ice packing pussies, and applying ointment to asses! If my jaw wasn’t dropping to floor, I was blushing like a tomato or giggling/laughing out loud. It reminded me of KA book mixed with a Maya Banks book and then just poor a lot of jizz all over that. Just freaking orgasmic!!!!!!

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Review: Double Full

Double Full
Double Full by Kindle Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was definitely a 4.5 star read for me. It was just wonderful. I absolutely loved Jace and Colt. They were pure sugar sweet at times but it worked for them, and it balanced out all of the awful that they had to go through. The synopsis gives a very accurate description of the book so I won’t sit here and re-summarize it for you.

If you love M/M…
If you love stories that aren’t run of the mill cookie cutter…
If you love characters that make true to life decisions and mistakes…
If you love drama and suspense…
If you love LOVE…

Then this is the book for you!!!!


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What I listened to while reading:

Review: This Love’s Not for Sale

This Love's Not for Sale
This Love’s Not for Sale by Ella Dominguez
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a 3.5 star read for me. I would have loved to have given it more but there were just a few things I could not over look. Let’s get that out of the way so I can get to what I loved…

1 – Sometimes Ella’s writing style is difficult to adjust to.

2 – The drama kept giving me whiplash. They were so back and forth. How can you be completely and undoubtedly into someone one moment and then the next you never want to see them again? Tucker was an asshole, always was, always will be to an extent and it seemed like a lot of times while Lili could differntiate between him and her ex-husband she would just go back and forth so easily. Also, I never like when a conflict can be resolved by a conversation. Lili was so vocal and obstinate with Tucker that it pissed me off when there would be a misunderstanding and she would do everything BUT talk to him about it. I especially felt like the interruption and their subsequent response at the 90% point or so was just overkill!!! By that time their relationship should be solid and I would have liked to see them grow in the way that they react to things and work it out differently than they did in the beginning of things.

Now that – that is over with onto the stuff that gives me…

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Tucker, Tucker, LAWD TUCKER!!! He was an arogant, egotistical, dominating asshole for the most part. It was absolutely FABULOUS! 😀 He was also playful and goofy at times which I enjoyed.

I liked Lili. Overall she was outspoken and came up with some hilarious monikers.

There was absolutely NOTHING missing from their sexual relationship. It was all kinds of hot. A solid read if you’re in the mood for some hot lovin and alpha behavior with a little discipline and bondage mixed in!

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Review: Being Delightful

Being Delightful
Being Delightful by Shayne McClendon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, yes it was a short story. It all happened very quickly. It is absolutely unrealistic to think that could happen for anyone… but it was fan-freaking-tastic!!!

Jack was a doll and managed to remain all man even while being cotton candy sweet! Petra was fantastic and the right balance of witty and sarcastic and vulnerable!

These two together are quivering nether regions hot!!! LOVED IT!

::Quotage:: (Yes, I am aware that’s not a real word!)

“I’m honest. I will tell the truth no matter how much you don’t want to hear it or how mean you think I am. If you don’t want me to give it to you real, it’s best if you don’t choose me as a sounding board.” ~Petra

Ummm! YES!!!! That sounds like something I say all the time…

“Don’t take this as your cue to talk to me about diet and exercise. You don’t know me. I eat healthy. I run my own business and live an active life. My body, quite simply, likes itself the way it is.” ~Petra


“…a few brave aunts wanted to know when it was going to be my turn to walk down the aisle. My blank, borderline psychotic stare and total lack of response may have scared them a little.” ~Petra


“I came harder than I ever had in my life with or without a partner and distantly cursed every man who’d been in my bed before Jack. At this moment, the truth was crystal clear that with them I could have been anyone. I had fulfilled an immediate need and nothing more.” ~Petra


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Review: My Masters’ Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 1 “Taken”

My Masters’ Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 1 “Taken” by Marita A. Hansen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Did I just read??? Holy SHIZZZZ???? That was amazingly WRONG and AWESOME!!!! Oh my gosh, I can’t wait for the next episode!!!!!

I don’t know if I should want to punch you or kiss you Ms. Hansen but I’m leaning more towards the kissing. Now I must read more of your books!!!

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Review: Worth the Fight

Worth the Fight
Worth the Fight by Vi Keeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I first saw the blurb for this and that it was an MMA Fighter book I was sold… I’ve read some good ones and I’ve read some bad ones this was a definite 4.25 stars for me because the entire time I was like…

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Nico is Alpha, and possessive, and he bites, growls, and scents and he also says some really genuine and kind things in between and sometimes during his neanderthal moments. I really liked that unlike in some books there was actual description of training and fights in this one. I think it makes it more authentic when the author doesn’t just glance over what is supposed to be a major part of an MMA Fighter book!

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I liked Elle. She did not get on my nerves or have me rolling my eyes at her most of the time. I liked the times where she would steel herself and confront him. I also enjoyed that the conflict did not drag on forever and a day. The main characters both had enough going on with past unresolved issues that they had enough insecurity and demons to battle without too much extra drama being thrown in. It had an epilogue and wrapped up really well. Oh and did I mention it was seriously HOT?!? Because it was! Overall solid read!!!


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