Review: Almost Matched

Almost Matched
Almost Matched by A.O. Peart
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

DNF at 55%

I picked this one up because it was a free read and the idea of the woman who has lost her faith in love was appealing. I like reading stories where people find a way to believe in love again. It is often the ultimate feel good feeling.

I don’t think that this book was completely awful, I don’t want to give that impression by my dnf and low star rating. There were a few pieces of sparkle that kept me reading such as this:

“I know what I want. I want to be happy for a change, and not burdened with heartbreaks or disappointments. Just for once, I need a break. All those losers I’ve crossed paths with have drained me clean from my positive energy. They took all the upbeat goodness right out of me and left me overanalyzing the possibility of dating ever again.”

There were other dollops of truth sprinkled through her that I also enjoyed. However, this woman said Sweet Mother of Jesus and Hell on wheels so many times that I was rolling my eyes. It wasn’t even over something all that impressive or great. I didn’t like how she was so cautious supposedly about getting into a new relationship and had all of like one day of going back and forth over whether she should give this new guy a chance, after that she was literally falling over herself or slipping in a puddle of wet vaginal fluid over any and everything that came out of his mouth. Which to me was not the actions of a hurt woman who is cautious and not sure if she is going to find love. The guy seemed to be alright, but since we don’t get anything from his point of view and all that is presented by this point in the book are a few nice gifts from said guy and some romantic dates… anybody can do that and still turn out to be an asshole. I also found it odd that they have this entire build up to a fourth date and what is supposed to go down on that date and then skip over it entirely. At 55% in there has been not hot sexy time. The interaction between the girlfriends is ok, but feels like it’s trying to hard, and the repetition of lines and descriptions were just getting on my nerves.

I think if I would have read this at a different time maybe I would have pushed through and finished it… It is just really hard to read really good well written books and then force yourself to finish one that is just alright.

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